Hey you...........!

 It is easy to shout at someone if things don’t go our way. Right? It is easier to give a whack or just blame them. That’s what we mostly see around us. We become what we see. Hence, this becomes a vicious cycle that we pass on to our next generations. We fail to realize its grave consequences.

                Today let me take instances from life to explain the consequences of our behaviour because; I can only speak for myself. I’m mostly patient and careful with my words. But there are incidents that I am not proud of. I was in 6th standard and I once said a mean thing to my sister because of some argument. It largely went unnoticed but my conscience will never forgive me for the words that slipped from my mouth.

There are also various instances where we see a person showing their frustrations on others.It is awful to do that. We mostly do this with our mothers or partners. Our emotions are understandable considering the super competitive times that we are living in. What is not okay is our outlet of it. We could instead go to the outskirts of the city and scream loud. We can also try smashing a pillow. Next time try throwing stones at a tree. This really helps.

Let me share another incident where I once asked a person how he/she would behave with his/her partner if things don’t go his/her way. He/she said he/she would shout and scream. He/she added, “Don’t be afraid ……I wouldn’t take it to the extent of using violence.” I was shit scared. Is it some sort of discount? What made me more fearful is that this person is not ill mannered or indecent. This can happen with absolutely anyone. Hence, we need to be extremely conscious of our thoughts because they turn into actions.

     Three years back I came across an article which spoke about “Mindful Behaviour”. It explained about the importance of not succumbing to our emotions. I’ve been practicing this for some time now. I can vouch for the calmness it brings to our life. Recently, Dan my handsome Labrador retriever bit me. Its tooth went deep down my skin and I could see some internal layers of my body. Guess what! I didn’t utter a word or whack him. I tried plucking out a parasite on his skin which hurt him. He couldn’t speak so he bit me in anger. What else could a dog do? This response of mine is the result of years of understanding my fears, responses and then working on them.

 So, I urge you to practice “Mindfulness.” It brings peace to you and also to those around you. Such happy and cheerful environment is pertinent for our collective growth. Today let us promise ourselves to be mindful.

Wishing everyone  mindful behavior



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