"Nanga Naach"......?
Who decides what is right and what is wrong? This question has been the foundation of some of the greatest revolutions. Since it encompasses wide array of issues, let us just boil it down to a specific topic. So yeah! Let us talk about ‘Which type of dress is decent enough’.
Yesterday I saw a video of an actress being abused so badly for the gymming clothes that she was wearing. She was called names and was said that she was stripping and doing “Nanga Naach”. It is very disturbing. So I thought why not discuss the issue. At least it would lighten the mind.
It is sad that most of the times; the morals of a woman are viewed as directly proportional to the length of the clothes she wears. Some say legs should be covered, others say that its fine to cover legs till the knee but it’s essential to cover the upper body thoroughly. The list is endless.
There is a chapter on clothing in the history text book of ninth standard, CBSE. In one section, it talks about evolution of women’s clothing. Even a light read would make us aware of how women’s clothes were aligned with the way the society viewed the concept of beauty. A woman is seen an object of visual delight. The perfect measurements of women’s body are decided by the society. Anybody otherwise are dismissed as being undesirable. Hence, since ages there has been a persistent pressure on women to look a certain way. The use of corset is a step in this direction. The discussions about how the body of an ideal woman should be like are prevalent even today.
Anyone who stands against these norms is labeled with different names. There is a saying: “Nobody is born a woman, they become one”. This sentence carries much meaning within it.
There is no denial of the fact that living in society comes with a code of conduct. But are we too harsh on our women? Have we suppressed their voice so much that everything they speak now seems like they are demanding too much? Have we failed our woman or have we failed as a society?
Often we tell our women “Don’t be too sensitive”, “Be strong
and courageous”. But the point is have we allowed them to be so in the first
place? As Simone de Beauvoir says, “...her
wings are cut and then she is blamed for not knowing how to fly.” Isn’t that
true? It’s high time we question ourselves.
I'll leave it at this because some things can not be preached they need to be self-taught.
With immense hope for a better tomorrow,
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